qtp online training in Future Q technologies

QTP stands for QuickTest Professional, a product of Hewlett Packard (HP). This tool helps testers to perform an automated functional testing seamlessly, without monitoring, once script development is complete.

HP QTP uses Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript) for automating the applications. The Scripting Engine need not be installed exclusively, as it is available as a part of the Windows OS. The Current version of VBScript is 5.8, which is available as a part of Win 7. VBScript is NOT an object-oriented language but an object-based language.

Testing Tools

Tools from a software testing context, can be defined as a product that supports one or more test activities right from planning, requirements, creating a build, test execution, defect logging and test analysis.

Classification of Tools

Tools can be classified based on several parameters. It includes −

  • The purpose of the tool
  • The activities that are supported within the tool
  • The type/level of testing it supports.
  • The kind of licensing (open source, freeware, commercial)
  • The technology used


QTP – CheckPoints

Checkpoints, as the name says it all, refer to a validation point that compares the current value of specified properties or current state of an object with the expected value, which can be inserted at any point of time in the script.

Types of Checkpoints

Sr.No. Type & Description
1 Standard Checkpoint

Verifies the property values of an object in application under test and supported by all add-in environments.

2 Bitmap Checkpoint

Verifies an area of your application as a bitmap

3 File Content Checkpoint

Verifies the text in a dynamically generated or accessed file such as .txt,.pdf

4 Table Checkpoint

Verifies the information within a table. Not all environments are supported.

5 Text Checkpoint

Verify if the text that is displayed within a defined area in a Windows-based application, according to specified criteria.

6 Text Area Checkpoint

Verifies if the text string is displayed within a defined area in a Windows-based application, according to specified criteria.

7 Accessibility Checkpoint

Verifies the page and reports the areas of the Web site that may not conform to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

8 Page Checkpoint

Verifies the characteristics of a Web page. It can also check for broken links.

9 Database Checkpoint

Verifies the contents of a database accessed by the application under test.

10 XML Checkpoint

Verifies the content of the .xml documents or .xml documents in Web pages and frames.

Inserting CheckPoint

When the user wants to insert a checkpoint, one has to ensure that most of the checkpoints are supported during the recording sessions only. Once the user stops recording, checkpoints are not enabled.

Given below is the checkpoint menu, when the user is NOT in the recording mode.

Given below is the checkpoint menu, when the user is in the recording mode.


The checkpoints are added for the application under test – “http://easycalculation.com/”

‘ 1. Inserted Standard Checkpoint

Status = Browser(“Math Calculator”).Page(“Math

Calculator”).Link(“Numbers”).Check CheckPoint(“Numbers”)


If Status Then

print “Checkpoint Passed”


Print “Checkpoint Failed”

End if


‘ 2. Inserted BitMap Checkpoint

imgchkpoint = Browser(“Math Calculator”).Page(“Math

Calculator”).Image(“French”).Check CheckPoint(“French”)


If imgchkpoint Then

print “Checkpoint Passed”


Print “Checkpoint Failed”

End if

Viewing Checkpoint Properties

After inserting, in case a tester want to change the values, we can do so by right clicking on the keyword ‘checkpoint’ of the script and navigating to “Checkpoint Properties” as shown below −

You can locate the same checkpoints in object repository, as well, as shown below. It exactly shows what type of checkpoint is used and what are the expected values, and time out values.